The Board of Trustees is a collegiate governing body in which, in addition to the Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health, the University and Polytechnic Hospital of Valencia, entities and individuals representative of the society of the Valencian Community are present.
Health Counselor
Mr. Marciano Gómez Gómez
Vice President:
Manager of the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe
Dr. José Luís Poveda Andrés
Medical Director of the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe
Dr. María Salomé Matoses Jaén
Economic Director of the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe
Mr. Alejandro Colomer Real
Director General of Economic Management, Contracting, and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Health
Mr. Pedro López Redondo
Director General of Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Health
Ms. Mariola Penadés Fons
Autonomous Secretary of Efficiency and Health Technology of the Ministry of Health
Mr. Bernardo Valdivieso Martínez
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia
Dr. Amparo Ruiz Saurí
Rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia
Dr. José Capilla Romà, Vice-Rector of Research UPV
General Director of the IVI Foundation
Dr. Nicolás Garrido Puchalt
Prestigious Scientists
Dr. Miguel Ángel Sanz Alonso
Dr. José María Millán Salvador
Directora Científica IIS La Fe
Dra. Pilar Nos Mateu
Directora Gerente IIS La Fe
María José Carrión Martínez