The IIS La Fe
What is it?
The progress of society is intimately linked to research and innovation. Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) is an approach to research that aims to anticipate and evaluate the social implications and impact of research and innovation on society.
This approach is based on six key aspects:
- Ethics: Research and innovation must respect fundamental rights and adhere to the highest ethical standards to ensure that the results derived can be acceptable and relevant to society.
- Gender equality: This is a cross-cutting issue in research that involves promoting gender balance within institutions and research groups, as well as in decision-making.
- Governance: Institutions are responsible for implementing an organizational structure that takes into account RRI and HRS4R areas.
- Open Access: Research and innovation should be accessible and transparent. The results of publicly funded research should be freely available, both publications and derived data.
- Citizen participation: RRI seeks to favor and co-create a more inclusive research and innovation, where society can be given a voice and be heard so that it can play a more relevant role in all phases of research and innovation.
- Science Education: This is one of the fundamental pillars to ensure that future research leaders (researchers and civil society) have the right tools to be able to make the best possible decisions and face social challenges.
IIS La Fe develops several actions for the adoption of RRI as a framework for research and innovation within each of the 6 aspects of RRI:
- Equality Plan 2022-2026
- Comités éticos
- Adherence to the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
- ISO 9001 Certification
- Training in Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
- Transparency Agreement on Animal Experimentation (COSCE)
Open Access
- We support the open access publication of our researchers
Scientific education
Citizen participation
- Participatory governance: Research Commission y External Scientific Committee
- Ethical Committee
Gender Equality
- Equality Plan 2017-2021
- Adherence to the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
- Participation in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science