Collaborative innovation
The IIS La Fe maintains strategic alliances to boost the cooperation among institutions in terms of RDI (Research, Development and Innovation).
UPV Plan de acción 2017 UPV-La Fe

The Plan calls upon all to encourage the implementation of research and innovation projects where scientist from both institutions (Universitat Politècnica de València and the Hospital Poltècnic i Universitari La Fe) would work together as well as boost collaboration between teaching and research staff of the University, the Hospital and the IIS La Fe within the Campus de Excelencia Internacional VLC Campus framework and the ITEMAS Platform.
IIS la Fe research incentives – Call for papers
VLC-BIOMED Programme "RDI - Coollaboration Promotion between UV and LA FE
The objective of this programme is to promore a tight multidisciplinary collaboration between researchers in life sciences, social sciences and engineers on one side and researchers in biomedicine on the other. This programme was inspired by the successes of the 2014 and 2015 collaborative activities. Hospital Universitari i Politècnic / IIS La Fe and the Universitat de València implement again the VLC-BIOMED Programme to boost Collaboration in RDI between both institutions.
IIS La Fe Research incentives – Call for papers
Action Plan 2017 for the Collaboration Promotion in RDI between LA FE and REDIT (Technological Institute Network of the Valencian Community)

The objectives are to bring together the REDIT professionals and technologists and the researchers and medical staff of the HUP/IIS La Fe as well as businesses from the health sector to encourage new partnerships in RDI and implement joint projects.