HRS4R Strategy
The IIS La Fe has received the European seal of excellence 'HR Excellence in Research'. This recognition reflects our commitment to continuously improve our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of prestigious researchers.
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers are the European Union documents that provide guidelines for European universities and research institutions to improve working and employment conditions for researchers, making research careers in Europe more attractive.
The European Charter for Researchers addresses the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers and their employers. It aims to ensure that the relationship between the parties contributes positively to the process of knowledge creation, transfer and exchange and to the professional development of researchers. The Charter contains 40 principles that define the responsibilities and rights of researchers and the entities that employ and/or fund them.
They are grouped into 4 areas:
- Open and transparent merit-based recruitment
- Ethical and professional aspects
- Working conditions and safety
- Training and professional development
The Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers aims to improve recruitment and ensure that selection processes are fair and transparent. It proposes several means of assessing merit, taking into account not only the number of publications, but a wider range of evaluation criteria, such as teaching, supervision of individuals, teamwork, knowledge transfer, management and scientific dissemination.
The IIS La Fe has signed the Letter of Endorsement of the Charter and Code. This statement of endorsement by IIS La Fe employers and sponsors has culminated in a concrete action plan for the implementation of the principles of the Charter and Code within the framework of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers that incorporates the Charter and Code.
Useful links
European Charter for Researchers
Code of Conduct for Recruitment
Related documents
The salary tables and the collective agreement of the IIS La Fe are available on the Administrative Transparency site