Research Support

Scientific Technological Platforms

La Fe Biobank platform

Más información del Biobanco La Fe en este enlace

What is a Biobank?

Law 14/2007, of July 3, 2007, on Biomedical Research, defines it as "a public or private, non-profit establishment that houses collections of biological samples designed for diagnostic or biomedical research purposes and organized as a technical unit with criteria of quality, order and destination".

La Fe Biobank, as a Centralized Service Platform of the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe) of Valencia, was created with the philosophy of establishing links between donors, clinicians and researchers in order to promote and ensure quality research, understood as that which is developed with respect for the rights of donors and under certain technical and organizational guarantees.

Quienes Somos

This service was authorized in 2013 according to the Royal Decree 1716/2011, of November 18, on basic requirements for the operation of biobanks for biomedical research purposes.

Perfil Twitter Biobanco La Fe

Plataforma Red Nacional de Biobancos

Currently, La Fe Biobank is part of the National Biobank Network Platform. An initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with the aim of providing added value to the National Health System, promoting the development and quality of scientific production.

Nuestro futuro Biobanco La Fe

> These are our informed consents  <

All models have been reviewed and approved by the External Ethics Committee for Biobanks and Research Collections (CEBCI) of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe.

  • Informed consent for the voluntary donation of biological samples for research to La Fe Biobank.
  • Informed consent for parents or representatives of the patient for the voluntary donation of biological samples for research obtained in the course of surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to La Fe Biobank from mature minors (> 12 years of age).
  • Informed consent for parents or representatives of the patient for the voluntary donation of biological samples for research obtained in the course of surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to the La Fe Biobank from non-mature minors (< 12 years of age).