Scientific and Technological Catalogue
Results and capabilities portfolio
Prostate palpation device for prostate cancer screening
The patented technology is a device for prostate palpation as a prostate cancer screening method. It is composed of a palpation system that transforms the collected information into objective, reproducible and useful, allowing the generation of a map of stiffness, reaching the entire peripheral area of the prostate in a short time and with a less agressive performance than DRE.
More information about "Prostate palpation device for prostate cancer screening"- Area:
- Oncology and Hematology
- Group:
- Nuclear of investigation transfer integrated Urological Valencia (NITIUV)
- Type:
- Patent

Smartguide for catheterization
This pneumatic dynamic steerable guide with integrated expandable tube improves the current intubation aid devices, and solves the problems encountered during intubation with a guide, by allowing the endotracheal tube to be housed in the trachea without displacing it through the guide; improving the success rate and reducing the damage during the maneuver.
More information about "Smartguide for catheterization"- Area:
- Digestive and Hepatic Pathology
- Group:
- Perioperative Medicine, Anesthesiology and Revival
- Type:
- Patent

Coded capelin for analysis of cranial deformation
The present invention consists of a coded capeline that, used together with a mobile application, a web viewer and 3D processing software, allows the analysis of cranial deformation in infants in a non-invasive way.
More information about "Coded capelin for analysis of cranial deformation"- Area:
- Neurosciences and Mental Health
- Type:
- Patent

Extracellular vesicles with improved therapeutic capacity
Chronic inflammation is a pathophysiological state caused by the uncontrolled activation of the immune system A wide variety of diseases cause chronic inflammation, such as graft-versus-host disease, acute rejection of a transplanted organ or autoimmune pathologies.
More information about "Extracellular vesicles with improved therapeutic capacity"- Area:
- Cardiovascular Pathology
- Group:
- Regenerative Medicine and Heart Transplantation
- Type:
- Patent

Protective formula against ionizing radiation
New formula that effectively protects organs and tissues against the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation, combining two natural polyphenols - radioprotection - and two molecules with repairing effects of radiation damage - radiomitigators - allowing prolonged survival after administration.
More information about "Protective formula against ionizing radiation"- Area:
- Infection, Inflammation and Chronicity
- Group:
- Joint Research Unit in Endocrinology, Nutrition and Clinical dietetics
- Type:
- Patent
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Response Calculator
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is characterised by high pathological complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). However, refractory and poor NAC responders still face very poor outcome, emphasising the urgent need for tools that facilitate identification of these patients, so that surgery or alternatives to NAC are considered early in the treatment protocol.
More information about "Triple Negative Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Response Calculator"- Area:
- Oncology and Hematology
- Group:
- Clinical and Translational Investigation in Cancer
- Type:
- Software
Huella bioquímica de orina para diagnóstico de cáncer
Nuevo kit de diagnóstico de cáncer a través de una muestra de orina del paciente que, sin la necesidad de identificar o procesar biomarcadores, se compara con una muestra de paciente sano para determinar cáncer renal, de vejiga, de próstata y colorrectal, tanto para su diagnóstico como seguimiento.
More information about "Huella bioquímica de orina para diagnóstico de cáncer"- Area:
- Oncology and Hematology
- Group:
- Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Ateriosclerosis and Vascular biology
- Type:
- Patent
Open web page available for researcher all around the world. Just upload a file with the expression level of these 7 miRNAs (miR-486-5p, miR-106b-5p, let-7i-5p, let-7g-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-19a-3p and miR-103a-3p) in your patients and our statistical model will rapidly calculate the risk of future VTE events in your PDAC and DECC patients.
More information about "Pancreatic-miRaCan-VTE"- Area:
- Oncology and Hematology
- Group:
- Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Ateriosclerosis and Vascular biology
- Type:
- Software
Lipidomic Tools
In the last years, lipidomics has emerged as a rapidly evolving tool in many fields of science. In our laboratory, we are particularly interested in unravelling the complex role of the wide range of lipids in the pathogenesis of disease (e.
More information about "Lipidomic Tools"- Area:
- Oncology and Hematology
- Group:
- Biomarkers and Precision Medicine Unit
- Type:
- Software
Predictive method of the cardiotoxicity risk in cancer patients treated with anthracyclines (MIRCATOX)
MIRCATOX is a miRNA based signature capable of predicting cardiotoxicity caused by anthracyclines, a major component of chemotherapy. Anthracyclines are common anti-neoplastic drugs used for the treatment of breast cancer after resection of the tumor (adjuvant therapy).
More information about "Predictive method of the cardiotoxicity risk in cancer patients treated with anthracyclines (MIRCATOX)"- Area:
- Cardiovascular Pathology
- Group:
- Regenerative Medicine and Heart Transplantation
- Type:
- Patent