The Scientific Area of IIS La Fe aims to implement a solid and structured organization to support the researcher to achieve the mission and research objectives set out in the Strategic Plan of IIS La Fe. This unit was created to establish an organizational structure responsible for the management and support processes for research and internationalization. In this way, it provides researchers with the necessary environment and support to manage their research projects and carry out their correct planning, development and execution.
The unit is responsible for designing research planning and performance processes, promoting and extending the quality and efficiency criteria in R&D&I, and reflecting excellence strategies in national and international actions. In addition, the scientific area is in charge of creating the institution's training and scientific dissemination plan.
This management structure is a link between researchers and the Direction of IIS La Fe and executes the coordination of the secretariat of the Research Commission of IIS La Fe and the External Scientific Committee. All this through a feedback system that allows continuous improvement towards scientific excellence. The Scientific Area acts as an interlocutor with universities, research centres and hospitals, national and international, in creating collaboration agreements for the realization of joint research structures and projects.
- Activities for the promotion and support of research activities.
- Internationalization activities
- Training, dissemination and scientific activities.
- Scientific policy and management of research structures.
Rita Diranzo
Responsable de la Oficina Internacional
Public telephone number: 961246617
Intern telehone number: 246617
Corporate telephone number: 648936929
Extension: 485680
international(ELIMINAR) -
Susana Pérez Albacete
Técnica en Gestión de Proyectos Internacionales
Public telephone number: 961246617
Intern telehone number: 246617
Corporate telephone number: 679300830
Extension: 485658
susana_perez(ELIMINAR) -
Amparo Fernandez Hinarejos
Scientific Area Support Technician
Public telephone number: 961246600
Intern telehone number: 412600
area_cientifica(ELIMINAR) -
Daniel Lurbe Villanueva
Responsable de Gestión de Proyectos Nacionales
Intern telehone number: 412601
daniel_lurbe(ELIMINAR) -
Sara Chuliá López
Gestora de proyectos
Public telephone number: 961246725
sara_chulia(ELIMINAR) -
María José Soriano Ortega
Gestora de proyectos
Public telephone number: 961246746
Intern telehone number: 246746
mjose_soriano(ELIMINAR) -
Antonio Salas Tebar
Técnico Área Científica
antonio_salas(ELIMINAR) -
Ana Navarro Gómez-Lechón
Gestora de proyecto FORTALECE
Public telephone number: 961246746
Intern telehone number: 246746
ana_navarro(ELIMINAR) -
Elena Juárez Barber
Gestora proyecto OmicSpace
Public telephone number: 961246725
elena_juarez(ELIMINAR) -
Álvaro Solaz García
Enfermero responsable de Investigación
Public telephone number: 669816218
Corporate telephone number: 961244814
Extension: 440488