It is responsible for the management and labor relations of the human capital of the IIS La Fe, under the premise of protecting professionals and promoting teamwork and the development of the individual potential of each professional, through continuous training and the promotion of innovation, efficiency and participation or commitment to the objectives of the Institute.
Carlota Catalá Gascó
Public telephone number: 96 124 66 14
Intern telehone number: 412613
carlota_catala(ELIMINAR) -
Mabel Lafuente Alfaro
Técnica Desarrollo de Personas
Public telephone number: 961246614
Intern telehone number: 412613
apoyo_desarrollo_personas(ELIMINAR) -
Andrea Martínez Mateu
Gestora RRHH
Public telephone number: 961246614
Intern telehone number: 412611
andrea_martinez(ELIMINAR) -
Maria Romero Pareja
Gestora RRHH
Public telephone number: 961246614
maria_romero(ELIMINAR) -
Silvia Rueda Ferrero
Gestora RRHH
Public telephone number: 961246614