Nursing research closes 2022 with 65 papers published
The Annual Report on Nursing Research evaluates the Strategic Research Plan for the period 2022-2026.

In 2022, the nursing profession continued to carry out research work and combined this activity with the care, management and training of professionals. This is reflected in the Annual Report on Nursing Research, prepared by the Valencia-La Fe Health Department.
The document focuses on nursing research and how their contributions as members of interdisciplinary research groups can influence and shape the profession, generate new knowledge, and improve clinical practice and care.
Nursing research in figures
In this year, 65 nursing research papers have been published, 30 of which are included in the first quartile and 13 in the first decile. In this period, the nursing researchers have made 49 communications in national congresses, 5 in international congresses and have received 10 awards and recognitions.
In terms of publications, those works with nurses as first author or correspondence amount to 32, while active projects with nurses sum a total of 23. In terms of active clinical trials or observational studies, the studies carried out with UICAB nurses and nurses from La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital account for more than 60% of those carried out during this period (813 out of 1253).
Currently, there are a total of 23 nurses incorporated in the different interdisciplinary research groups of La Fe Health Research Institute (IIS La Fe). However, it should be noted that the available indicators do not accurately represent the reality, as the professional category of many nurse researchers falls under the category 'researcher', a pending task for the next financial year.
People-centred research
To create a research culture in the nurses of the Valencia-La Fe Health Department, during 2022 access to research resources was promoted and different theoretical-practical courses were set up, such as the courses Nursing research: from theory to practice and Nursing research for residents, with 100 enrolments each.
In this way, training and learning aimed at continuous improvement, quality and excellence in research and innovation in clinical practice and care has been facilitated. Along the same lines, translational research has been promoted in interdisciplinary teams, aligning nurse-led research with the needs of people so that advances in care reflect the research priorities of patients, carers, users of the health system, society, and the nursing profession.
These efforts have been recognised through the award for the most informative poster, selected by patient associations and the recognition of nursing research by the Nursing Council of the Valencian Community (CECOVA) at the I PhD Day IIS La Fe, as well as the creation of a prize for the communication with the greatest transfer to clinical practice and care awarded by a committee of citizen participation at the XVI Nursing Scientific Activity Conference and VII Conference on Innovation and Evidence in Care of the Valencia-La Fe Health Department.
Alliances with other institutions and institutional commitment
During the year 2022, a direct collaboration has been established between Hospital La Fe and IIIS La Fe. Thus, the Valencia-La Fe Health Department, the health centres that make up the Primary Care network, the La Fe Hospital and the IIS La Fe, are committed to a Strategic Research Plan to encourage and promote the achievement of new approaches and strategies to improve nursing research and the health of the population.