The IIS La Fe renews agreement with the Spanish Centre for Evidence-Based Care (CECBE)
The CECBE is constituted by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the autonomous communities with the aim of promoting the implementation of evidence-based care throughout Spain.
Álvaro Solaz and Alexandra Gimeno are members of the monitoring committee and the scientific committee respectively.

The Spanish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care (CECBE) has, since 7 March, two new members representing the Valencian Community. Álvaro Solaz, a nurse from the Perionatology group at IIS La Fe and head of research at Hospital La Fe, joins the Monitoring Committee and Alexandra Gimeno, a nurse from the Respiratory Infections Group at IIS La Fe and the Pneumology Service at Hospital La Fe, is a member of the Scientific Committee.
In the first meeting after the incorporation, Solaz and Gimeno presented the Annual Report of Nursing Research 2022 and the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 with the new projects and activities.
Currently, the IIS La Fe participates in various activities promoted by CECBE such as Sumamos Excelencia, a project for the implementation of best practice recommendations in the National Health System (NHS) that aims to implement recommendations based on scientific evidence, or best practices, and the evaluation of the improvement in the quality of care and health outcomes of patients. La Fe participates in this project through the Urology service (management of urinary incontinence) and the Neonatology service (assessment and treatment of pain).
In addition, the IIS La Fe participates in the initiative Centros Comprometidos con la Excelencia en Cuidados (Centres Committed to Excellence in Care), bringing evidence closer to clinical practice by implementing various Good Practice Guides so that health professionals can incorporate them into their daily practice and facilitate joint decision-making with patients and families. Specifically, guides on breastfeeding, pain assessment and falls prevention.
The Spanish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care (CECBE) is set up by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the autonomous communities with the aim of promoting the implementation of evidence-based care throughout Spain.
CECBE is part of the Joanna Briggs International Collaboration. This collaboration is made up of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and more than 60 collaborating centres spread over 5 continents. The JBI collaborating centres are committed to the objectives of this institution, promoting evidence-based care worldwide, through the search for and evaluation of scientific evidence, the dissemination of the best available evidence, its implementation in clinical practice and the evaluation of the impact that the use of evidence has on health.