The scientific director of IIS La Fe, Guillermo Sanz encourages to continue promoting nursing research at the VIII Conference on Innovation and Evidence in Nursing Care and XVII of Nursing Scientific Activity.
The Valencia La Fe Health Department and IIS La Fe continue to promote Scientific Nursing Activity and Innovation in Care

On December 14, the VIII INNOVATION AND EVIDENCE IN CARE AND XVII SCIENTIFIC NURSING ACTIVITY CONFERENCE was held in the Auditorium of the Hospital La Fe, attended by more than 300 professionals, in a meeting that aims to disseminate and share the scientific activity that the staff attached to the Nursing Management produced in our Department during the current year, recognizing in turn, the effort and research capacity, promoting research as a complementary activity to care and recognizing its existence and its application in practice.
Research activity is one of the fundamental pillars of nursing as a profession. Nurses currently have within their reach a wide range of possibilities to develop their profession in the field of research, through postgraduate training and access to the PhD, as well as their contribution to the scientific community with the growing publication of articles, presentation of communications and papers in the various scientific events that take place both at national and international level, and at regional level (congresses, conferences,...), etc..
This Conference is one more reason to encourage professionals and groups involved in research activities in our Department to make known their experiences and results through their presentation at their work center, contributing to the development of their research activities.
At the Conference we were able to count on the support of the Conselleria de Sanidad, through the Territorial Director of Health, Caridad García and the Service of Competence Development of Community Nursing, Hospital and Support Units, of the Autonomous Secretary of Health, with Ángela Garrido. In addition, the General Director of Research and Innovation, Mariola Penadés, who made a brilliant speech of recognition and motivation for all the professionals of the Department, attended the event. It was also Recognized of Professional Interest by the CECOVA, and we had its Vice President, Maria Isabel Catello who presented one of the awards.
Finally, after the evaluations of the scientific committee, 4 prizes were awarded: Best oral communication, to Daniel Babiloni for "Randomized safety analysis (AASTRE). Impact on the safety of adult critical patient care". best scientific publication, to Néstor Montoro for "Psychometric propierties of parental stress scales in pediatric health care settings: A systematic Review", best academic paper to Sergio Yago for "Differences in availability, uses and training in ultrasound of prehospital nurses in Spain: a pilot study" and the most informative poster to Dolores Picazo for "Use of adsorptive apheresis in the apheresis unit of a tertiary hospital".