Ayudas a la I+D+i
- Número de referencia
- INT-2018-04
- Entidad convocante
- Comisión Europea
- Plazo de presentación
- 1ª Fase hasta 24 de octubre de 2018 y 2ª fase hasta 15 de mayo de 2019
Conseguir un 30% de mejoría en la tasa de éxito de los ensayos clínicos de medicamentos prioritarios identificados por la OMS;
Financiar pruebas de concepto clínico en los campos inmunológico, respiratorio, neurológico y enfermedades neurodegenerativas en sólo cinco años;
Descubrimiento y aprobación de nuevos marcadores de diagnóstico para cuatro de estas enfermedades y al menos dos nuevos medicamentos que podrían ser nuevos antibióticos o nuevas terapias para la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Los futuros topics para 2018 para esta convocatoria son:
Topic: Integrated research platforms enabling patient-centric drug development.
Topic: Blockchain enabled healthcare.
Topic: Microenvironment imposed signatures in tissue and liquid biopsies in immune mediated disease.
Topic: Emerging translational safety technologies and tools for interrogating human immuno-biology.
Topic: Development and validation of translational platforms in support of synaptopathy drug discovery.
Topic: Digital transformation of clinical trials endpoints (part of an IMI programme on digital transformation of clinical trial endpoints).
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) accelerator programme
The AMR Accelerator programme consists of three pillars under which multiple projects are expected:
Pillar A: Capability building network (CBN)
Pillar B: Tuberculosis drug development network (TBDDN)
Pillar C: Company-specific portfolio building networks (PBNs)
Currently, one two-stage topic is under consideration for inclusion in Pillar A; one two-stage topic is under consideration for inclusion in Pillar B; and one single-stage Call for proposals with seven topics is under consideration for inclusion in Pillar C.
Introduction to the AMR Accelerator programme
Pillar A - two-stage topic: Capability building network to accelerate and validate scientific discoveries
Pillar B - two-stage topic: Tuberculosis drug development network to accelerate and validate scientific discoveries and advance the R&D pipeline of new and innovative agents to address the global tuberculosis epidemic
Pillar C - single-stage Call for proposals with 7 topics
The topics proposed for inclusion in the Pillar C single-stage Call for proposals are as follows.
More information on these can be found in the draft Call text above.
Topic 1: Progress new assets (One pre new molecular entity (preNME) and one first-time-in-human (FTIH)) for tuberculosis that act synergistically with bedaquiline, cytochrome bc or cytochrome bd inhibitors
Topic 2: Progress novel assets (One first-time-in-human (FTIH)) for non-tubercular mycobacteria (NTM) that may act synergistically with bedaquiline, and cytochrome bc drugs
Topic 3: Discover and progress novel assets with new mechanisms of action (1 pre-new molecular entity (NME) for tuberculosis (TB) and 1-pre- new molecular entity (NME) for non-tubercular mycobacteria (NTM) and biomarkers for TB and NTM infection
Topic 4: Determination of gepotidacin levels in tonsils and prostatic tissue
Topic 5: Infection site targeting, antibiotic encapsulated in nanoparticles for treating extracellular bacterial infections
Topic 6: Functional ethionamide boosters. A novel combination for tuberculosis therapy
Topic 7: Intravenous treatments of serious infections (urinary tract infections (UTI), intra-addominal infections (IAI) & hospital-acquired pneumonia/ventilator associated pneumonia (HAP/VAP)) caused by Gram(-) bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae +/- Pseudomonas and/or Acinetobacter
La solicitud se debe presentar en consorcio, formado por al menos tres entidades independientes entre sí de tres Estados Miembro o Países Asociados.
El proceso de presentación de solicitudes consta de dos fases. En una primera fase, se envía una pre-propuesta de proyecto. Tras la evaluación, aquellas iniciativas que hayan pasado a la segunda fase, se les invitará a enviar la propuesta completa.
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