Current International Research Projects
CHAIMELEON Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management

- Call
- H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2019-1
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Luis Martí-Bonmatí, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Coordinator
- Year
- 2020
CHAIMELEON aims to set up a structured repository for health imaging data to be openly reused in AI experimentation for cancer management. An EU-wide repository will be built as a distributed infrastructure in full compliance with legal and ethics regulations in the involved countries. It will build on partner´s experience (e.g. PRIMAGE repository for paediatric cancer and the Euro-BioImaging node for Valencia population, by HULAFE; the Radiomics Imaging Archive by Maastricht University; the national repository DRIM AI France, the Oncology imaging biobank by Pisa University). Clinical partners and external collaborators will populate the Repository with multimodality (MR, CT, PET/CT) imaging and related clinical data for historic and newly diagnosed lung, prostate and colorectal cancer patients.
ProcCAncer-I An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer's continuum.

- Call
- H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2019-1
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Luis Martí-Bonmatí, IIS La Fe, Partner
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2020
ProCAncer-I aims to design, develop, populate and deliver to the scientific community a large interoperable repository of health images, and a scalable high performance computing platform hosting the largest collection of prostate cancer Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). To achieve this objective, ProCAncer-I will develop novel AI models to address unmet clinical needs regarding prostate cancer management across the disease continuum: accurate detection, clinical characterization, early identification of metastatic forms or prediction of the risk of disease recurrence and treatment response, among others.
TORPIDO30/60 Targeted oxygenation in the respiratory care of premature infants at delivery: Effects on outcome

- Call
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Máximo Vento Torres, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2020
TORPIDO 30/60 study try to determinate the best oxygen level for very premature babies. It will compare short and long outcomes of premature babies at less than 29 weeks gestation who have had initial respiratory care with one of two different usually used levels of oxygen to show if using higher or lower levels in the periods just after birth is better for baby in the short and long term.
HARMONY PLUS Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicines Offensive against Neoplasms in hematologY - PLUS

- Call
- H2020-JTI-IMI2-2019-19-single-stage
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Guillermo Sanz Santillana, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Co-Chair
- Year
- 2020
HARMONY PLUS takes advantage of the capabilities of the HARMONY Big Data platform by expanding its scope to incorporate all the other rare HMs not covered by HARMONY Project. In parallel, HARMONY PLUS will continue to refine and define the Core Outcome Sets (COS), especially for these new HMs to ensure the use by researchers of useful common outcomes relevant to all stakeholders. HARMONY PLUS will go beyond the scope of the initial action by applying new techniques based on the most promising fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), like Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network and Machine Learning, as well as statistical modelling to improve the Big Data analytic capabilities reached in HARMONY to obtain more accurate results on the HMs considered.
LIQUIDHOPE Advancing Liquid Biopsies for Monitoring and Personalized Treatment of Children with Neuroblastomas

- Call
- TRANSCAN 4th Call JTI 2017
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Jaime Font De Mora Sainz, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2019
LIQUIDHOPE Project aims to accelerate transfer of liquid biopsy approaches into the clinic, in neuroblastoma cancer in children, within 3 parallel research arms designed to overcome current hurdles in (1) therapy response assessment, (2) minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring and (3) actionable target identification. A secondary aim of the project is to define the best marker/analysis method or combination thereof for patient monitoring. The objective of the project is to enhance patient monitoring and personalized treatments for children with neuroblastoma.
PerProGlio Integrative Personal Omics Profiles in Glioblastoma Recurrence and Therapy Resistance

- Call
- ERA PerMed Joint Transnational Call 2018
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Luis Martí-Bonmatí, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2019
PerProGlio Project aims to identify individual parameters that determine recurrence and therapy resistance in Glioblastoma (GBM) with possible therapeutic implications. The project will use a retrospective cohort of 100 patients with clinical metadata of GB, primary and recurrent samples, and will obtain abundance-based biomarkers associated with time-to recurrence and therapy resistance. In addition, a full NGS analysis will be performed to characterize recurrence in each individual patient and combine "OMICS" which clinical and imaging data. From these analyses, the project propose to identify personalized easy-to access biopsy markers. Finally, the project propose a multimodal monitoring, e.g. combining imaging data with molecular markers, that will allow to establish a molecular signature of GB recurrence which is particularly powerful for reliable prediction of GBM recurrence.
EHDEN European Health Data and Evidence Network

- Call
- H2020-JTI-IMI2-2017-two-stage
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2019
EHDEN. The goal of EHDEN is to make the large-scale analysis of health data in Europe a reality. The project aims to do this by building a federated data network of allowing access to the data of 100 million EU citizens standardized to a common data model. At the heart of the project will be a group of trained, certified small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) responsible for transforming the data owned by hospitals to the common data model. The data will remain under complete control of the original data owner, thereby ensuring ethical and local data privacy rules are respected. EHDEN is part of IMI's Big Data for Better Outcomes (BD4BO) programe.
LifeChamps A Collective Intelligent Platform to Support Cancer Champions

- Call
- H2020-SC1-DTH-2019
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2019
LifeChamps. The LifeChamps Project aims to address the complexity caused by cancer treatments and to act in the monitoring status and improvement of quality of life by using emerging technologies in the fields of Big Data, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. To achieve this, the project will integrate new technologies in the areas of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for generate a smart, personalized and secure platform that will monitor health outcomes and address co-morbidities of cancer champions by preventing long-term effects and improving Quality of Life.
DISH Digital & Innovation Skills Helix in Health

- Call
- Erasmus + EAC-A05-2017
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2018
DISH. The Erasmus + DISH Project aims to connect the progressive digitalization of the healthcare sector and the lack of innovation skills among health and social professionals to fully benefit from the use of innovative eHealth products and solutions. DISH Project aims to strengthening the digital skills of health and social staff regarding development, use and implementation of digital solutions in everyday practice. It will bring knowledge and competencies to the health and social care staff enabling them to implement eHealth solutions supported by national digitalization strategies. The objective is, therefore, to look into present and future skills' needs and developer, test and present different concepts which will support health and care workforce to better cope with digital transformation of the health and social care sector.
INADVANCE Patient-centred pathways of early palliative care, supportive ecosystems and appraisal standard.

- Call
- H2020-SC1-2018-Single-Stage-RTD
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso, IIS La Fe
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2018
INADVANCE :The project Patient-centred pathways of early palliative care, supportive ecosystems and appraisal standard (INADVANCE) proposes a novel model of PC based on early integration and personalized pathways addressed specifically to older people with complex chronic conditions. Thus, the overall aim of INADVANCE is to improve the benefit of PC through the design of effective, replicable and cost-effective early PC interventions centred-on and oriented-by the patients. Interventions are defined for/orientated on patients, families, informal caregivers, and front-line care professionals.