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Compact biophotonic platform for drug allergy diagnosis.

- Call
- H2020-ICT-28-2015.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Dolores Hernández F. de Rojas
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
COBIOPHAD aims the development of an innovative in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device for diagnosis of IgE-mediated drug allergies by building an integrated biophotonic system based on compact disc technology. For that, key enabling technologies will be integrated in order to achieve high sensitive (<0.1 kUA/L), selective (>98%), multiplexed (10 BLCs), rapid (30 min), and low-cost (2.4 €/allergen) drug allergy test. The solution involves an advanced approach to the diagnosis and management of drug allergy with the aim to ameliorate patient safety.