Projectes d'investigació internacionals
COBIOPHAD Compact biophotonic platform for drug allergy diagnosis.

- Call
- H2020-ICT-28-2015.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Dolores Hernández F. de Rojas
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
COBIOPHAD aims the development of an innovative in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device for diagnosis of IgE-mediated drug allergies by building an integrated biophotonic system based on compact disc technology. For that, key enabling technologies will be integrated in order to achieve high sensitive (<0.1 kUA/L), selective (>98%), multiplexed (10 BLCs), rapid (30 min), and low-cost (2.4 €/allergen) drug allergy test. The solution involves an advanced approach to the diagnosis and management of drug allergy with the aim to ameliorate patient safety.
TORPIDO-2 Targeted Oxygenation in the Resuscitation of Premature Infants: Effects on Developmental Outcome – the TORPIDO2 Study.

- Call
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), 2015.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Máximo Vento
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The TORPIDO 2 study is a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial (RCT) in infants between 23 weeks and 28 weeks 6 days gestation which aims to test one primary and two secondary hypotheses; that, compared with starting resuscitation with 60% oxygen and a targeted oxygen saturation (SpO2) strategy, starting resuscitation with room air (21% oxygen) and the same targeted SpO2 strategy will improve the survival without major disability at 2 years corrected for gestation.
WiBEC Wireless in-body environment communications.

- Call
- H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-ETN.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Vicente Pons
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The main objective is to provide high quality and innovative doctoral training to develop the wireless technologies for novel implantable devices that will contribute to the improvement in quality and efficacy of healthcare.
EUToxRisk21 EUTOXRISK21. An Integrated EUropean ‘Flagship’ Program Driving Mechanism-based Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment for the 21st Century.

- Call
- H2020-PHC-33-2015-single-stage_RTD.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. José Vicente Castell Ripoll
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The project will focus on repeated dose systemic toxicity (liver, kidney, lung and nervous system) as well as developmental/reproduction toxicity. EUToxRisk21 extensively integrates the adverse outcome pathway (AOP)-based toxicity testing concept, with advanced technologies, including high throughput transcriptomics, RNA interference, and high throughput microscopy, providing quantitative and mechanistic underpinning of AOPs and key events (KE). The project combines in silico tools and in vitro assays by computational modelling approaches to provide quantitative data on the activation of KE of AOP. This information, together with detailed toxicokinetics data, and in vitro-in vivo extrapolation algorithms forms the basis for improved hazard and risk assessment.
HERO Research Grant Cognitive - behavioural intervention program to improve adherence to prophylaxis and emotional state of patients with haemophilia.

- Call
- HERO (Haemophilia Experiences, Results and Opportunities) 2014.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Santiago Bonanad
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The aim of this project is to present and evaluate the effectiveness of a psychological intervention program developed in order to improve adherence to prophilaxys in adults patients with severe hemophilia.
The Gerber Foundation Efficacy of oro-pharyngeal mother’s milk: late-onset sepsis in LBW infants.

- Call
- The Gerber Foundation Grants 2014.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Máximo Vento
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The aim of this project is to compare the effects of oropharyngeal administration of mother's milk with buccal swabbing, to a placebo, for enhancing antioxidant defense maturation, or reducing pro-oxidant status in ELBW infants.
MDS-RIGHT Providing the right care to the right patient with MyeloDysplastic Syndrome at the right time.

- Call
- Horizon 2020, H2020- PHC-17-2014.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Guillermo Sanz
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
The main objective of MDS-RIGHT is to develop more effective and safe interventions for elderly patients with anemia and/or low-risk of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) by analyzing the European database EUMDS (European MDS Registry).
Emp-H “Empowering Hospital” – Emp - H.

- Call
- Project Grants (HP-PJ) 3rd EU Health Programme.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Bernardo Valdivieso
- Role
- Participant
- Year
- 2015
This multicentre project aims to foster health promotion interventions and environments suitable for prevention of diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. The strategy is based on the Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) framework with a strong emphasis on evidence based prevention and would operate through a salutogenic approach (WHO Europe 2012) focusing on factors which support human health and well-being.
Health-KIC Innolife InnoLife – Better, longer lives.

- Call
- EIT-2014 Call for Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). KIC Innovation for healthy living and active ageing.
- Investigador principal
- Dr. José Vicente Castell Ripoll
- Role
- Participant
InnoLife's mission is to promote entrepreneurship and develop innovations in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europe with new opportunities and resources. This KIC will enable citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that will improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe. InnoLife is a strong, diverse and balanced partnership of best-in-class organisations in education, research, technology, business creation and corporate and social innovation.
MyCyFAPP Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of Cystic Fibrosis patients in Europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool

- Call
- Horizon 2020, H2020-PHC 26-2014
- Investigador principal
- Dr. Carmen Ribes-Konickx
- Role
- Coordinator
MyCyFAPP aims at the self-management of enzyme replacement in the european cystic fibrosis patients by means of a mobile application (APP) that allows for a personalised and accurate control and monitoring of the disease thanks to interaction between health professionals and patients.